Why this blog?

Hi Moms, future moms and those of you who aren't moms but know you will be or want to be one day :)

Why this blog you might ask? Well, I am starting a new 52 week devotional called "The Power of a Positive Mom" written by Karol Ladd. It is a devotional focused on busy moms and how we impact our children. When I found it, I instantly wanted to share its message with others because I knew it was going to help me and ultimately, hopefully, help someone else. My goal is to post the "gist" of my devotional each Monday and offer my insight and thoughts to the teaching as it applies in my life. 

I know the Bible is rich with with wisdom and overflowing with practical, powerful tools for living a contented, positive life as a mom. I want to dive into those tools and use them as my "spiritual fuel" as I go throughout my week. AKA - accountability to God, myself, my husband and my son. Paxton is getting to the age where he is watching and listening to everything I/we do. I want to be a positive light for him and ultimately an encourager to other moms who struggle with the same things I do being a mom.

I just recently finished reading a book called The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. A sweet friend sent it to me, to encourage me when I needed it, when I first made the decision to stay home with Paxton. This book helped me to see my role as a mom in Paxton's life and ultimately our future childrens lives. It explains very tenderly and in a non-sexist way the mission that God laid out for us(as women) when he created us. It very explicitly tells us that as moms and women, we are created and expected to encourage and teach one another (as it applies to our children, other moms/women and husbands) . I am no expert, don't claim to be, don't want to be. We all have strengths as moms but lets be real, we also have our weaknesses. We all need God's help and I am just a first time mom reaching out to others and other resources as to how I can work towards being the kind of mom I want to be. I want to pass along what I learn. These blog posts will be all about being a positive mom and starting your week off with the right mindset. As a mom, you give of yourself all day, all week long. My hope is that sharing intimate moments with God about being a mom on Monday mornings will fill me with inspiration and instill in me encouragement to continue to be the positive mom I want to be all week long. I want to share that with you and hope you will gain something from it as well.

Here's to us and see you on Mondays!

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