Monday, December 31, 2012

Created in His Image

Happy Monday... hope you had a great weekend!  I woke up this morning super excited to get started with this "journey" and really at peace with my decision to blog about it.  I know I need more of God's word in my life and more accountablity.  I hope this blog and Karol Ladd's devotional does this for not only me but you too :)  I love that it follows the Bible from start to finish.  This first one focuses on how we, as people, women, moms, etc. were created by God, in His image, and he views us as perfection.  We all view ourselves as perfect moms right? Ha, wrong!  Here is the key scripture from today:

So God created people in his own image;  God patterned them after himself; male and female he created them.  God blessed them and told them, "Multiply and fill the earth and subdue it.  Be masters over the fish and birds and all the animals." And God said, "Look! I have given you the seed-bearing plants throughout the earth and all the fruit trees for your food.  And I have given all the grasses and other green plants to the animals and birds for their food." And so it was.  Then God looked over all he had made, and he saw that it was excellent in every way.  Genesis 1:27-31

How do YOU view yourself as a mom? I'll be honest, I am harsh on myself... critical sometimes.  I am my own worst critic most of the time and know that I hold some unrealistic expectations for myself .  I criticize and analyze myself daily on choices and decisions I make... sometimes making me more productive and other times slowing me down. Sound familiar maybe? To be created in Gods "own image", those are some big shoes to fill, that means we need to be like God.  I don't know about you but I don't feel very "God Like" all the time.  What I learned today though was that it's OK.  It doesn't mean we have to be exactly like God.  It just means that we are a reflection of Him since he created us and we should work towards and strive to be as much like Him as possible - especially when it comes to what we teach, how we treat and what we show our children.  God doesn't expect us to be perfect moms... he only wants us to rejoice in who we are, not who we aren't, and give thanks to him for that.  When you feel like "I wasn't cut out for this" or "What was God thinking?" or "I can't do this" just remember that God created you and you are perfect in his eyes.  Let's not be so critical of what/who we aren't as moms, and be more thankful for what/who we are. This applies to our children too.  God views them as perfection,  I know, I know... we view our children as perfect too, but c'mon... there are days (weeks) when we just say "Why? Why God?"  Just remember, they are a unique and special creation of God too- as hard as it may be to see at times, it is true :) 

In what ways do you see yourself as a unique and special creation of God? (this question is given in the devotional and there is a place to write the answer.  Answer the question in your head or better yet comment your answer below so we can all rejoice in each other :)) Okay, I'll go first, I see myself as compassionate, have good intuition, always put others before myself and manage time well.  Your turn!  

My choices:
  • This week I will choose to rejoice in the fact that I am created in God's image.
  • This week I will choose to encourage my children to know that they are made by God in an excellent way. 
  • This week I will choose to enjoy every person who crosses my path as a unique creation of God.
  • This week I will choose to... (fill in the blank with your own)
My prayer: Karol Ladd closes each devotional with a prayer.  I really love that she lifts this to Lord and opens with scripture and closes with prayer. Glorious Creator, marvelous Father, thank you for the way you created me and each and every one of my family members.  Thank you for caring so much about mankind that you formed us in your image.  I rejoice in your excellent creation! Help me to love and bless my kids, recognizing that they are a reflection of your image.  May they begin to grasp the wonderful fact that they have been created in an excellent way for your glory.  In Jesus's name I pray, amen."

I am going into this week knowing that while I may not see myself as perfect, God does.  I am not a perfect mom, never will be and I need to work towards not criticizing myself because of it.  I hope you can too!   (don't forget to comment below if you're comfortable, do it as anonymous :)) I hope this post blesses your week in some way and gives you a boost to be the mom God designed you to be! :)   

Have a great week, see you next Monday :)  

Friday, December 28, 2012

Introduction and Welcome!

Hi Moms, future moms and those of you who aren't moms but know you will be or want to be one day :)

I've added this new page onto our family blog, Mommy Monday Motivations, as you can read :). Why you might ask? Well, I am starting a new 52 week devotional called "The Power of a Positive Mom" written by Karol Ladd. It is a devotional focused on busy moms and how we impact our children. When I found it, I instantly wanted to share its message with others because I knew it was going to help me and ultimately, hopefully, help someone else. My goal is to post the "gist" of my devotional each Monday and offer my insight and thoughts to the teaching as it applies in my life. You will click on a link I provide on this page each Monday to go to each post. (see below for post 1 - they will be labeled with each date)

I know the Bible is rich with with wisdom and overflowing with practical, powerful tools for living a contented, positive life as a mom. I want to dive into those tools and use them as my "spiritual fuel" as I go throughout my week. AKA - accountability to God, myself, my husband and my son. Paxton is getting to the age where he is watching and listening to everything I/we do. I want to be a positive light for him and ultimately an encourager to other moms who struggle with the same things I do being a mom.

I just recently finished reading a book called The Mission of Motherhood by Sally Clarkson. A sweet friend sent it to me, to encourage me when I needed it, when I first made the decision to stay home with Paxton. This book helped me to see my role as a mom in Paxton's life and ultimately our future childrens lives. It explains very tenderly and in a non-sexist way the mission that God laid out for us(as women) when he created us. It very explicitly tells us that as moms and women, we are created and expected to encourage and teach one another (as it applies to our children, other moms/women and husbands) . I am no expert, don't claim to be, don't want to be. We all have strengths as moms but lets be real, we also have our weaknesses. We all need God's help and I am just a first time mom reaching out to others and other resources as to how I can work towards being the kind of mom I want to be. I want to pass along what I learn. These blog posts will be all about being a positive mom and starting your week off with the right mindset. As a mom, you give of yourself all day, all week long. My hope is that sharing intimate moments with God about being a mom on Monday mornings will fill me with inspiration and instill in me encouragement to continue to be the positive mom I want to be all week long. I want to share that with you and hope you will gain something from it as well.

Here's to us and see you on Monday!